American Muslim Family I’tikaaf? Madness or Brilliant?

We Got Rights!

The Ramadan Grinch has tagged me and since I have mad respect for her, I feel obliged to reply. Safiyyah, who has nearly received head wounds from the shortest, unreasonable attendees at the masjid, was sent an invite recently:

From: Muhammad Alshareef
Subject: Idea: Family I’tikaaf night …
To: “Safiyyah”
Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 5:01 AM Institute, 1 stafford Rd, Ottawa, ON K2H 1B9, Canada

Safiyyah, Idea: Family I’tikaaf night!

Why not head out to the Masjid tonight as a family and spend the whole night worshipping Allah?

If you have younger family members, just make sure they are by your side and not disturbing anyone and you should be alright.

In sha Allah, it’ll be an unforgettable family experience, and may be so enjoyable that everyone may wish to do it again and again!

With best wishes to see you succeed at the highest level!
– Muhammad Alshareef

Now, I totally agree with Safiyyah that most likely this will turn into mommy double duty, but Allahualim–there are some daddies out there that love to be hands on–either way, I say go for it!

Locally (and my community should in no way reflect the greater American Ummah) there are hardly any folks (brothers only actually) spending itikaaf in the masjid. Teens? Forget about it. Children? None–except my son *big wink*.

How are kids going to grow into their deen if they are physically kept from it? Being mature enough to stay overnight worshipping in the masjid should be a right of passage that children see as part of their moving through the age of distinction and into accountability.

Not only is it awesome, masha Allah, that folks are organizing these kinds of things, but it is especially considerate to have one night set aside for “family night” during itikaaf so that other folks have the chance to opt out and spend that night at another masjid.

Come on Safiyyah, take the coal out of your sack, pack some halal s’mores and go be big aunty.