Fiction Soup (and Memoir!) Workshop

Only TWO Slots Left, starts December 1st.

Brooke's Workshop

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Fiction Soup

The Fiction Soup Workshop is 8 weeks of inspiring writing prompts, feedback, and positive support to fuel your fiction story writing.

* Exercises designed to elicit fiction short and long stories

* Professional and supportive feedback from both Brooke and seasoned peer writers in the group

* Excellent for creating original work, polishing existing drafts, or working on your memoir writing too!

* For one round of the Fiction Soup workshop we will have a cameo appearance and feedback from author, editor, and managing editor of SISTERS AWAKENING PRESS— LaYinka Sanni! LaYinka is one of my very favorite poets and a powerhouse of a writing educator and editor. So excited to have her join us!

Begins December 1st 2015

Fiction Soup Workshop Full fee $225Buy Now Button

Fiction Soup Workshop 1 of 2 payments $112.50 Buy Now Button

Refund Policy

I have meticulously calibrated the size of these workshops so that…

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